Wed­nes­day with Goddard

Ein Stre­ben nach spi­ri­tu­el­ler Erleuch­tung führt zu Roman­tik und Verzweiflung.

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Nico­las Ménard

UK 2016, 4’30’’, Ani­ma­ti­ons­film, Eng­lisch ohne UT

Musik: David Kamp


Nico­las Ménard is a direc­tor and gra­phic artist. Ori­gi­nal­ly from Mont­re­al, whe­re he stu­di­ed gra­phic design while working for num­e­rous media com­pa­nies, he moved to Lon­don in 2012 to com­ple­te an MA in Ani­ma­ti­on at the Roy­al Col­lege of Art. He is now repre­sen­ted by Nexus Stu­di­os for commercials.