Wan­der to Wonder

Nina Gantz | Niederlande/Frankreich/Belgien/UK 2023 | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film | Englisch
Best of Fes­ti­vals I

Mary, Bil­ly­bud and Fum­ble­ton are three minia­tu­re, human actors who per­form in an eight­ies kids TV series cal­led “Wan­der to Won­der”. After the crea­tor of the series has died, they are left alo­ne in the stu­dio. With their slow­ly decaying cos­tu­mes and gro­wing hun­ger, they con­ti­nue to make incre­asing­ly stran­ge epi­so­des for their fans.





Kon­takt & Links

Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

J’ai vu le visa­ge du dia­ble (I saw the face of the devil) 

Wan­der to Wonder 

The man who could not remain silent 

Squid Fleet

Bad for a Moment