
Vibra­ti­ons is a Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty nar­ra­ti­ve docu­men­ta­ry based around the events of the Nepal Ear­th­qua­kes of 2015. It fol­lows the jour­ney of two film­ma­kers, who deci­de to docu­ment the after­math of a mas­si­ve ear­th­qua­ke, after one of them has a dream about it, but can’t remem­ber it. As they go cha­sing this dream, stran­ge events unra­vel, and deeper ques­ti­ons emer­ge out of the cha­os, lea­ding to powerful dis­co­veries, both phy­si­cal and metaphysical.

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Ando Shah and Pierre Friquet

Nepal 2015, 14′ , 360° , Eng­lisch ohne UT

Ton: Aural­may­hem Studios