Via Dolo­ro­sa

Rachel Gut­garts | Frank­reich 2023 | 10′32″ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film | Hebrä­isch mit eng­li­schen UT
Shorts on Wheels

Zwi­schen Dro­gen­sucht, ers­ten sexu­el­len Erfah­run­gen und einem per­ma­nen­ten Kriegs­zu­stand, sucht die Fil­me­ma­che­rin ihre ver­lo­re­ne Jugend auf den Stra­ßen von Jerusalem.


Regie: Rachel Gutgarts
Buch: Rachel Gut­garts and Ein­at Gaulan
Pro­duk­ti­on: Emma­nu­el-Alain Ray­nal, Pierre Baussaron


2023 Via Dolorosa
2021 Move
2020 Tri­cky Women/Tricky Realities
2017 A love let­ter to the one I made up
2016 Reshet
2016 Walk


Born in 1992 in Jeru­sa­lem, gra­dua­ted from the Ani­ma­ti­on Depart­ment at Beza­lel Aca­de­my of Art and Design in Jeru­sa­lem (BFA), with a focus on expe­ri­men­tal tech­ni­ques, main­ly ani­ma­ted silk screen prints. “A love let­ter to the one I made up” (gra­dua­ti­on film, 2017) was scree­ned at many film and ani­ma­ti­on fes­ti­vals around the world.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

On Xer­xes’ Throne 

Nun or Never 

Will You Look at Me 

It is quiet here. (ПОКИ ТУТ ТИХО) 

Via Dolo­ro­sa