To be sisters 

Anne-Sophie Gous­set & Clé­ment Céard | Frank­reich 2022 | 7′ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film ohne Dialoge
Kin­der­pro­gramm 6+

Unter Schwes­tern ist man beson­dern ver­bun­den und kann gemein­sam lachen. Unter Schwes­tern wird man von der Lie­be ange­trie­ben. Doch die­se bei­den Schwes­tern haben noch etwas gemein­sam, das ein biss­chen anders ist. Und das ist abso­lut in Ordnung.


YOUNG AUDI­ENCE AWARD (Inter­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­ti­on Film Fes­ti­val of Anne­cy, France 2023)

SPE­CIAL MEN­TI­ON (Fes­ti­val Mo&Friese of Ham­burg, Ger­ma­ny 2023)

EFCA PRO­FES­SIO­NAL JURY AWARD (Fest­vi­al Ciné-Jeu­ne de l’Ais­ne, France 2023)

BEST DIREC­TION (Fes­ti­val Cine­ma en Famil­le, Qué­bec, Cana­da 2023)


Gra­dua­ted from Emi­le Cohl school, Anne-Sophie Gous­set crea­ted Le Cai­man­son­ge, an inter­ac­ti­ve tale for child­ren published on digi­tal plat­forms. She com­ple­ted her trai­ning in Anne­cy in edi­to­ri­al design and it is in the field of video games that she deve­lo­ped her wri­ting. In addi­ti­on to that, she illus­tra­tes inter­ac­ti­ve sto­ries and makes com­mis­sio­ned ani­ma­ti­on films. In 2022 she co-direc­ted her first short film, To Be Sis­ters, of which she is the aut­hor and gra­phic designer.

Gra­dua­ted from Emi­le Cohl school in 2006, Clé­ment Céard direc­ted his gra­dua­ti­on film Le Veil­leur, sel­ec­ted in seve­ral fes­ti­vals around the world. Sin­ce then, he has par­ti­ci­pa­ted in many series, short films and fea­ture films as a 2D ani­ma­tor and chief ani­ma­tor. He is also, sin­ce 2016, giving les­sons at Emi­le Cohl school. In 2022, he co-direc­ted with Anne-Sophie Gous­set To Be Sis­ters, their first short film.


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Hex Papa, Hex! 




To be sisters