
Erik Ver­kerk & Joost van den Bosch | Nie­der­lan­de 2020 | 2′ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film ohne Dialoge
Kin­der­pro­gramm 6+

Die­ser super­kur­ze Trick­film han­delt von einem Okto­pus, der es gern sehr ordent­lich hat. Aber manch­mal kommt man selbst mit so vie­len Armen nicht an das her­an, was man errei­chen möchte.


Mon­ta­ge: Erik Ver­kerk & Joost van den Bosch
Musik: Mikis Theod­ora­kis, Audiocult
Ton: Bob Kom­mer Sound Studios
Pro­duk­ti­on: Erik Ver­kerk & Joost van den Bosch


Natio­nal Audi­ence Award (Ages 4–6) at Cine­kid (Net­her­lands, Octo­ber 2020)
Best Short Film for Child­ren aged 4+ and 6+ at KUKI Fes­ti­val (Ger­ma­ny, Novem­ber 2020)
Audi­ence award (ages 3+) at New York Inter­na­tio­nal Children’s Film Fes­ti­val (USA, March 2021)
Best Inter­na­tio­nal Film at Baby­lon Ani­ma­ti­on Film Fes­ti­val (Irak, April 2021) and more


2008 The 3D-Machi­ne — the film
2013 The 3D-Machi­ne: the series
2016 Geor­ge & Paul (tv-series)
2019 De Tand des Tijds (The Test of Time)


‘Ka-Ching Car­toons Ani­ma­ti­on Stu­dio’ is a main­ly 2d ani­ma­ti­on stu­dio in Rot­ter­dam, ran by Joost van den Bosch & Erik Verkerk.

Joost and Erik usual­ly ser­ve as direc­tors, crea­tors and pro­duc­tion super­vi­sors of their studio.They have been working tog­e­ther sin­ce art aca­de­my, and after that they have work­ed for one year in in Ire­land at the ‘Car­toon Saloon’ befo­re they retur­ned to the Net­her­lands to start their own com­pa­ny in 2007.



Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Ein Hau­fen Glück 





Passt Per­fekt