
Luna und Die­go sind Park­haus­wäch­ter. Die­go arbei­tet nachts, Luna am Tag.

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Juan­jo Giménez
Spa­ni­en 2016, 15’, Spiel­film, Spa­nisch mit eng­li­schen UT, Deutschlandpremiere

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Pere Pueyo Buch: Pere Alti­mi­ra, Juan­jo Gimé­nez Mon­ta­ge: Sil­via Cer­van­tes Musik: Iván Cés­ter Ton: Xavi Saucedo
Pro­duk­ti­on: Juan­jo Gimé­nez, Dani­el Vil­la­nue­va, Arturo Méndiz


Juan­jo Gimé­nez was born and lives in Bar­ce­lo­na. He has direc­ted a few shorts, inclu­ding “Rodil­la” (2009), “Nit­bus” (2007), “Maxi­mum Penal­ty” (2005) and “Indi­rect Free Kick” (1997), all of them award­ed at natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal fes­ti­vals. He’s the direc­tor of the fea­ture films “Tilt” (2003), award­ed in Rome, Las Pal­mas and Ouren­se, “Dodge and Hit” (2010), co-direc­ted with Adan Ali­a­ga, best docu­men­ta­ry in Alcan­ces Film Fes­ti­val Cadiz and Cour­ma­y­eur Noir, and “Cont­act Pro­of” (2014).