This Old Dog

An MC Escher inspi­red melo­dra­ma star­ring a fur­ry; This Old Dog beg­ins in outer space on top of a car bed with the prot­ago­nist, a pug who­se nose is made of a sin­ging Mac Demar­co. Tog­e­ther, we rapidly approach a flat Earth and then into a house that con­ta­ins ano­ther ver­si­on of our­sel­ves. The world slow­ly crum­bles after the­se two ver­si­ons col­l­i­de and we are forced to quick­ly des­cend into esca­pism. The new rea­li­ty we find on the other side is one we can con­trol like Harold and The Pur­ple Crayon.

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Joe Beuys

USA 2017, 3’30″, Musik­vi­deo, Eng­lisch, Festival-Premiere

Pro­duk­ti­on: Alex­an­der Topo­ro­wicz, Sensorium
Bild­ge­stal­tung: Joe Beuys
Buch: Joe Beuys
Mon­ta­ge: Will Kanel­los, Matthew Neiderhauser
Musik: Mac Demarco


Joe Beuys is an artist, film­ma­ker, and deve­lo­per that has been working as a pio­neer in the field of VR. Her work mines the sur­re­al and uncan­ny. This is the first music video she has deve­lo­ped as a com­mis­si­on by Pitch­fork and Incep­ti­on VR for the artist, Mac Demar­co. Fea­tured in Dazed, Rol­ling Stone Maga­zi­ne, The Fader,  Vice and more. This scree­ning is the fes­ti­val pre­mie­re for the piece.


Insta­gram: @joebeuys