They Dream in My Bones – Insem­no­pe­dy II

Faye For­mi­s­a­no | Frank­reich 2021 | 17′30″ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film | Eng­lisch | Köln-Premiere
Vir­tu­al Reality

Eine atem­be­rau­ben­de Medi­ta­ti­on der Fra­ge, wel­che Mate­rie das Hie­si­ge und das Jen­sei­ti­ge ver­bin­den könn­te. In die­ser fik­ti­ven Erzäh­lung über Rode­rick Nor­man, der die Oni­ro­ge­ne­tik erfand, trifft das Kör­per­li­che auf das Traum­haf­te und der Ein­zel­ne auf sei­ne sym­bio­ti­sche Mikroumgebung.


Music : Foud­re ! (Nahal Recor­dings Label)
Sound : Tho­mas Rou­vil­lain (Next Sound Lab)
Pro­duc­tion : Le Fres­noy — stu­dio natio­nal des arts contemporains


GIFF 04/11/2022
Sun­dance 20/01/2022
B3 Bien­nal of Moving Image 15/10/2022
DA Z 20/10/2022


2019 Insem­no­pe­dy I: The Dream of Vic­tor F.


Artist-Film­ma­ker-Rese­ar­cher, Born in Tou­lou­se in 1984, lives and works in Paris.
With tex­ti­le as her lan­guage, dance and music as her influence, dra­wing as her core prac­ti­ce, and fan­ta­sy as her aes­the­tic, Faye For­mi­s­a­no makes films, VR instal­la­ti­ons, and per­for­man­ces. High­ly inspi­red by lite­ra­tu­re and the sci­en­ti­fic ima­gi­na­ti­on, most of her sto­ries are fables fea­turing ghost­ly figu­res in our con­tem­po­ra­ry world to explo­re the boun­da­ries of iden­ti­ties, all mark­ed by the undo­ne bond, the loss of refe­rence points, and the effects of vio­lence.



Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm


Lock­down Dream­scape VR 

They Dream in My Bones – Insem­no­pe­dy II 

On the Mor­ning You Wake (To the End of the World) 

In the Mist