The Toas­ter I Used To Live In

Rojin Shafiei | Kana­da 2016 | 7’ | Dokumentarfilm

Vier jun­ge Frau­en erzäh­len offen über ihre ers­ten außer­ehe­li­chen sexu­el­len Erfahrungen.

Rojin Shafiei (b.1993) is an Ira­ni­an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry artist living and working in Mont­re­al, Cana­da. Rojin recei­ved her bache­lor of fine arts in Inter­me­dia from Con­cor­dia Uni­ver­si­ty in 2017. She has scree­ned and exhi­bi­ted her work inter­na­tio­nal­ly in various fes­ti­vals and exhi­bi­ti­ons such as at les Ren­dez-Vous du Ciné­ma Qué­bé­cois (Cana­da), Fes­ti­val Inter­na­tio­nal de Vidéo de Casa­blan­ca (Moroco), Limi­t­ed Access Video Fes­ti­val (Tehr­an) and Instant Vidéo Numé­ri­ques et Poé­ti­ques (France). In 2019 she was the Venice­Lands Art Pri­ze can­di­da­te in Ita­ly and she won the grand pri­ze of Startupfest/Artupfest sec­tion in July 2018 for her pie­ce I wait for the time

Kon­takt & Links

Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Song Spar­row

The Toas­ter I Used To Live In 

Ira­ni­an Bag 

Taxi is Here 


The Ame­ri­can Bull 


Moments and Forever