The Sun­set Spe­cial 2

Nico­las Geb­be | Deutsch­land 2024 | 19′ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film| IEng­lisch | NRW-Premiere
Deut­scher Wett­be­werb I

Die­se exklu­si­ve Kreuz­fahrt scheint das per­fek­te Fami­li­en-Urlaubs­pa­ra­dies. Doch der gan­ze schö­ne Schein die­ses Pro­dukts ver­blasst, als sich eine psy­che­de­li­sche Welt auf­tut, Illu­sio­nen zer­bre­chen und die kru­de Wirk­lich­keit hin­ter dem Kom­fort sicht­bar wird.


Cur­tas Vila do Con­de IFF, Por­tu­gal (July 12 – 21, 2024) Expe­ri­men­tal Competition

Fan­to­che Inter­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­ti­on FF, Switz­er­land (3 – 8 Sep­tem­ber, 2024) Inter­na­tio­nal Competition

LIN­OLE­UM Ani­ma­ti­on Fes­ti­val, Ukrai­ne (4 – 8 Sep­tem­ber, 2024) Expe­ri­men­tal Ani­ma­ti­on and Video Art program

Toron­to Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, Cana­da (5 – 15 Sep­tem­ber, 2024) Short Cuts Competition


2022 Lock­down Dreamscape

2021 The Sun­set Special

2019 Urban Dreamscape


Nico­las Geb­be was born in Lon­don in 1986. He curr­ent­ly lives and works in Frank­furt am Main (Ger­ma­ny) as a 3D artist, film­ma­ker, and sound desi­gner. In 2018 he recei­ved his art diplo­ma at Hoch­schu­le für Gestal­tung Offen­bach with a film major. He focu­ses on expe­ri­men­tal 3D ani­ma­ti­on and hybrid film formats.

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

A Stu­dy of Empathy 

The Sun­set Spe­cial 2 


Tako Tsu­bo

Detours While Spea­king Of Monsters