The Real Truth about the Fight

Andrea Sla­vicek | Kroatien/Spanien 2023 | 14′ | Spielfilm

Zwi­schen dem gan­zen Ärger in der Schu­le, Zicke­rei­en, guten Song­tex­ten und einem rät­sel­haf­ten blau­en Auto erzählt uns Lena, manch­mal abge­lenkt oder unter­bro­chen, die wah­re Geschich­te über Den Gro­ßen Kampf. Aber was ver­schweigt sie uns eigentlich?


Semaine de la Cri­tique Can­nes 2023, France — World Premiere


2019 Algo por ahí


Andrea Sla­viček is a film­ma­ker, screen­wri­ter, and desi­gner from Croa­tia. She has been stu­dy­ing film direc­tion at ESCAC in Bar­ce­lo­na. She atten­ded Ber­li­na­le Talents Sara­je­vo edi­ti­on in 2020. She is inte­res­ted in uncon­ven­tio­nal struc­tures, expe­ri­men­ting with the per­cep­ti­on of her cha­rac­ters and their view of rea­li­ty. At the moment she is deve­lo­ping her debut fea­ture film Luna on Two Pla­nets and her short film The Real Truth About the Fight (2023) pre­mie­red at the 62nd Semaine de la Critique.

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

The Legend of Goldhorn 

Becau­se We Bleed 

Fami­ly Toast 



The Real Truth about the Fight