The Mass Of Men

Richard, 55, arbeits­los, kommt drei Minu­ten zu spät zu sei­nem Ter­min beim Arbeits­amt. Sei­ne Sach­be­ar­bei­te­rin, gefan­gen in den Zwän­gen ihres Sys­tems, hat kei­ne Wahl und ahn­det sei­ne Ver­spä­tung. Um sei­nen Absturz ins Elend auf­zu­hal­ten, ergreift Richard ver­zwei­fel­te Maßnahmen.

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Gabri­el Gauchet
UK 2012, 17’30’’, Spiel­film, Eng­lisch mit deut­schen UT

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Nick Coo­ke Buch: Runga­no Nyo­ni, Gabri­el Gau­chet Mon­ta­ge: Ali­ce Petit Ton: Ania Przygoda
Pro­duk­ti­on: Emi­ly Morgan


Gabri­el Gau­chet is a french film­ma­ker, curr­ent­ly living and working in Lon­don. He gra­dua­ted from the Aca­de­my of Media Arts in Colo­gne, whe­re he also took part on an exch­an­ge pro­gram with the cuban film school EICTV. He then did a Mas­ter at the Natio­nal film and Tele­vi­si­on school in the UK. Gabri­el direc­ted various short films, among­st them Die Knei­pe, Efec­to Domi­no, The Mass of Men and recent­ly Z1. His short films had been sel­ec­ted at over 300 fes­ti­vals world wide and won over 100 awards.


2013 Z1

2012 The Mass of Men

2010 Efec­to Domino

2006 Die Kneipe