Inspired by oral folk tales, The Giant is a three minute narrative 360 experience. A young girl who never stops growing finds a record buried in the snow. The song it plays unleashes violence and eventually, a kind of peace.
Mike Anderson, Ryan Dickie & Abigail Horton
USA 2017, 3’, Animation, Englisch, Deutschland-Premiere
Produktion: New Media Ltd
Buch: Mike Anderson
Musik: Jake Aron and Ludwig Persik
Ton: Jake Aron
NEW MEDIA LTD is the NYC-based writing and directing trio of Mike Anderson, Ryan Dickie and Abigail Horton. In 2016 New Media Ltd was recently named in 25 New Faces of Independent Film by Filmmaker Magazine, shortlisted for the D&AD Next Director Award, and won a D&AD pencil for Animation and two Cannes YDA’s. They are represented by Pulse Films.
Instagram: new_media_ltd
Vimeo: newmedialtd
Website: newmedialtd.co
Mail: team@newmedialtd.co