Stras­bourg 1518

Jona­than Gla­zer | UK 2020 | 10′ | Spiel­film ohne Dia­lo­ge | Deutschland-Premiere

„Stras­bourg 1518“ ist ein Lock­down-Pro­jekt eini­ger der größ­ten Tänzer*innen der heu­ti­gen Zeit, inspi­riert durch die Straß­bur­ger Tanz­wut von 1518, ein Mas­sen­wahn, bei dem die Men­schen tanz­ten, bis sie vor Erschöp­fung starben.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Dari­us Khondji
Mon­ta­ge: Paul Watts
Musik: Mica Levi
Pro­duk­ti­on: Bugs Hartley


Under The Skin, 2014
Sexy Beast, 2000


An acclai­med direc­tor of fea­ture films and com­mer­cials, Jona­than Gla­zer first found fame for his revo­lu­tio­na­ry work on Radiohead’s ‘Street Spi­rit’ and Jamiroquai’s mul­ti-MTV award win­ning ‘Vir­tu­al Insa­ni­ty’ video. His 1999 ground-brea­king Guin­ness advert ‘Sur­fer’ picked up 2 D&AD Black Pen­cils, a Gold at Can­nes and still tops many lists as one of the best com­mer­cials of all time. In 2000 Jona­than direc­ted Sexy Beast which was nomi­na­ted for Best Bri­tish Film by BAFTA. This was fol­lo­wed four years later with Birth, sta­ring Nico­le Kid­man and Lau­ren Bacall. His 2014 film, Under The Skin stars Scar­lett Johans­son and is an adapt­a­ti­on of Michel Faber’s 2000 novel of the same name. Under The Skin recei­ved two BAFTA nomi­na­ti­ons and won cri­ti­cal accla­im as a ‘land­mark in film­ma­king’, recent­ly coming fourth in The Guardian’s 100 grea­test films of the twen­ty-first century.



Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Sun Dog

Sun Dog

Frau­en­frag­men­te: Galila

Frau­en­frag­men­te: Galila 

Post­cards from the End of the World

Post­cards from the End of the World 

War­um Schne­cken kei­ne Bei­ne haben

War­um Schne­cken kei­ne Bei­ne haben 

Stras­bourg 1518

Stras­bourg 1518 

