489 Years

»›Ich‹ trat eben aus dem Haus, da rief ›mich‹ jemand an. Als ›ich‹ dranging, flog das Haus in die Luft. ›Ich‹ ging zur Arbeit und tat, als sei alles normal …«
Shunsaku Hayashi
Japan 2015, 9’30’’, Animationsfilm, Englisch ohne UT, NRW-Premiere
Musik und Ton: Jack Stevens, Evie O’Driscoll (Cello)
Shunsaku Hayashi (b.1992) is a Japanese artist mainly working on painting, animation and experimental film. He studied at Goldsmiths, University of London as a trainee under the Japan Cultural Ministry Abroad Research Fellowship for up-and-coming artists from 2012 to 2015. His recent animation won Golden Horseman for Animated Film at 28th FILMFEST DRESDEN, and it was shortlisted for several international competitions.
2015 Transform Fault
2015 Cablewall
2011 The Old Man and the Sea