
Con­su­med by Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty addic­tion, a woman clings to the digi­tal­ly recon­s­truc­ted memo­ry of her dead hus­band. As the lines of rea­li­ty blur, she beg­ins to ques­ti­on which world is real. The expe­ri­ence dyna­mi­cal­ly swit­ches from 2D to 3D 180 degree view when the main cha­rac­ter puts on her head­set, allo­wing the audi­ence to see the vir­tu­al world through her eyes and crea­ting a one of a kind cine­ma­tic experience.

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Con­nor Hair

USA 2016, 13′, 360° , Eng­lisch ohne UT

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Gra­ham Robbins

Ton: Aus­tin Healy

Musik: Dani­el Reeves


Con­nor Hair is an award win­ning wri­ter, direc­tor and cine­ma­to­grapher. After working as a cine­ma­to­grapher on six fea­ture length pro­jects, Con­nor shifted his focus toward direc­ting vir­tu­al rea­li­ty expe­ri­en­ces. His in depth know­ledge of came­ra tech­no­lo­gy and pri­or expe­ri­ence direc­ting allo­wed for a con­fi­dent tran­si­ti­on into this new artform.

Con­nor is con­stant­ly expe­ri­men­ting with emer­ging tech­no­lo­gy and has a pas­si­on for tel­ling sto­ries in uni­que and inno­va­ti­ve ways.