Pri­soner of Society

What does it mean to be a stran­ger in your own home and coun­try? Pri­soner of Socie­ty is an inti­ma­te jour­ney into the world and mind of a young trans­gen­der woman, trap­ped bet­ween her per­so­nal desi­re for free­dom and tra­di­tio­nal expec­ta­ti­ons of her par­ents that threa­tens their unity.

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Rati Tsi­te­lad­ze

Geor­gi­en 2018, 16’, Doku­men­tar­film, Geor­gisch mit eng­li­schen UT

Pro­duk­ti­on: Art­Way Film


Tam­pe­re FF: Euro­pean Film Aca­de­my Award Nomi­nee 2018,
Oscar® qua­li­fied, Best Documentary.


At age 21, Rati Tsi­te­lad­ze won the title of World Cham­pi­on in mar­ti­al arts, but in 2014, when film­ma­king beca­me the over­powe­ring pas­si­on in his life, he left his fight­ing care­er and foun­ded Art­Way Film pro­duc­tion. Rati direc­ted and pro­du­ced seve­ral short films that were award­ed inter­na­tio­nal­ly and have been scree­ned at around 300 film fes­ti­vals, inclu­ding Mel­bourne IFF, Locar­no IFF. work PRI­SONER OF SOCIE­TY (2018) is the first Geor­gi­an short docu­men­ta­ry, nomi­na­ted for Euro­pean Film Aca­de­my Award