
Zoe Roel­lin | USA 2023 | 17’ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film | Englisch
Vir­tu­al Reality

Nach dem Tod sei­nes Vaters, mit dem er sich zer­strit­ten hat­te, besucht Eli­as das ver­las­se­ne Som­mer­haus der Fami­lie. Er schwankt zwi­schen Trau­er, Abscheu und Nost­al­gie und will die­sen Ort nur noch hin­ter sich las­sen. Sei­ne klei­ne Nich­te Emi hat ihre ganz eige­nen Pläne.


80th Venice Inter­na­tio­nal Film Festival

Emo­ti­ons at Play Exhi­bi­ti­on, Seoul

Art*VR, Pra­gue


Zoe Roel­lin, born 1996 in Mut­tenz, Switz­er­land, is a free­lan­ce VR artist who works with immersi­ve dra­wing tools to crea­te hand drawn 3D art and bring sto­ries to life in VR. She has work­ed on pro­jects such as Lus­tra­ti­on VR and the award win­ning VR docu­men­ta­ry the Choice, and is tea­ching VR art and sto­rytel­ling as a guest lec­tu­rer at the Lucer­ne Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces and Arts. Her main inte­rest lies in crea­ting impactful, enga­ging narratives.

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm


Over The Rainbow 


Fresh Memo­ries: The Look 
