Nach dem Tod seines Vaters, mit dem er sich zerstritten hatte, besucht Elias das verlassene Sommerhaus der Familie. Er schwankt zwischen Trauer, Abscheu und Nostalgie und will diesen Ort nur noch hinter sich lassen. Seine kleine Nichte Emi hat ihre ganz eigenen Pläne.
80th Venice International Film Festival
Emotions at Play Exhibition, Seoul
Art*VR, Prague
Zoe Roellin, born 1996 in Muttenz, Switzerland, is a freelance VR artist who works with immersive drawing tools to create hand drawn 3D art and bring stories to life in VR. She has worked on projects such as Lustration VR and the award winning VR documentary the Choice, and is teaching VR art and storytelling as a guest lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Her main interest lies in creating impactful, engaging narratives.