Peo­p­le enjoy my company

Frank Sweeney | Irland 2021 | 17′ | Doku­men­tar­film | Eng­lisch mit eng­li­schen UT | NRW-Premiere
New Aes­the­tic II

Ein Film über die Pri­va­ti­sie­rung des staat­li­chen iri­schen Rund­funks »Tele­com Éire­ann« aus Sicht von Aktio­nä­ren, die in frü­hen Online-Foren kom­mu­ni­zie­ren. Das Event steht im Kon­text der Ideo­lo­gie tech­no­lo­gi­scher Befrei­ung zum Ende des letz­ten Jahrtausends.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Frank Sweeney
Mon­ta­ge: Frank Sweeney
Musik: Frank Sweeney, Scoo­ter, DJ Healer
Ton: Frank Sweeney
Pro­duk­ti­on: Frank Sweeney


Cork Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val (2021)
Lon­don Short Film Fes­ti­val (2022)
Trans­me­dia­le Ber­lin (2021)
Alche­my Film & Arts Fes­ti­val Scot­land (2022)


2022 2 Chan­nel Land
2021 Peo­p­le enjoy my company
2020 All I belie­ve hap­pen­ed the­re was vision.
2019 Made Ground


Frank Sweeney is an artist with a rese­arch-based prac­ti­ce, using found mate­ri­al to approach ques­ti­ons of coll­ec­ti­ve memo­ry, expe­ri­ence and iden­ti­ty through film and sound. Recent awards include the EVA Inter­na­tio­nal Plat­form Com­mis­si­on, the Arts Council’s Next Gene­ra­ti­on Award, Film Bur­sa­ry and Pro­ject Award, a Pro­ject Stu­dio at Temp­le Bar Gal­lery + Stu­di­os, Brigh­tening Air fun­ding 2021, Sligo Artist Panel for 2020–2025 and a nomi­na­ti­on for Best Sound Design at the Irish Theat­re Awards.



Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Peo­p­le enjoy my company 

Wun­der­kam­mer 10.0

Bébé Colè­re (Baby Anger) 

Punc­tu­red Sky