Not­hing Happens

It is free­zing cold on the out­skirts of town. Yet peo­p­le gather. I watch them form a row across the hori­zon. We all wait for some­thing to hap­pen. Howe­ver, not­hing does. We have been assem­bled to wit­ness an event. To par­ti­ci­pa­te in being seen. The spec­ta­cle of wat­ching and being watched.

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Michel­le & Uri Kranot

Däne­mark 2017, 14′, Ani­ma­ti­on, Eng­lisch, Deutschland-Premiere

Pro­duk­ti­on: Dansk Tegnefilm
Buch: Michel­le and Uri Kranot
Schnitt: Uri Kranot
Musik: Uri Kranot
Ton: Sofie Birch


Begin­ning their care­er in ani­ma­ti­on, Michel­le and Uri Kra­nots’ work has expan­ded bey­ond the tra­di­tio­nal: their art stradd­les expe­ri­men­tal gen­res and unfa­mi­li­ar medi­ums, fusing hand­ma­de craf­ted images and new tech­no­lo­gies into con­tem­po­ra­ry expe­ri­en­ces. Their cur­rent work con­ti­nues to test the fron­tiers of immersi­ve art and moving images. The Kra­nots first gai­ned reco­gni­ti­on with films such as Black Tape, Hol­low Land, How Long, Not Long and most recent­ly, the VR film instal­la­ti­on Not­hing Happens .