
Milen Vita­nov | Deutschland/Bulgarien 2020 | 7′30″ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film ohne Dialoge
Kin­der­pro­gramm 4+

Das Leben von vier Schnee­ha­sen in der Ark­tis wird von einem unge­plan­ten Besu­cher förm­lich auf den Kopf gestellt.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Olaf Aue
Mon­ta­ge: Jens Prausnitz
Musik: Leo­nard Petersen
Ton: Mich­al Krajczok
Pro­duk­ti­on: Milen Vita­nov, Akti­vist 38: Ves­se­la Kazakova


Ber­li­na­le 2020
Schlin­gel, Chem­nitz 2020
DOK Leip­zig 2020
Grand Pri­ze Best Children’s Ani­ma­ti­on, Rho­de Island Intl Film Fes­ti­val, USA 2020


2007 My Hap­py Ending
2012 Rising Hope
2015 Natu­ral Novel in 8 Chapters
2016 Ban­go Vassil


Milen Vita­nov was born in Pra­gue and rai­sed in Sofia, whe­re he spent many slee­p­less nights dra­wing on his first self-made light box. He gra­dua­ted Ani­ma­ti­on in 2007 at the film aca­de­my Kon­rad Wolf in Babels­berg and com­mit­ted hims­elf to the alche­my of 2D/3D-Ani­ma­ti­on-Mix­tures. His ani­ma­ti­on shorts have par­ti­ci­pa­ted in many inter­na­tio­nal fes­ti­vals and recei­ved num­e­rous pres­ti­gious awards. Milen co-foun­ded Tal­king Ani­mals in 2009 and is now based in Berlin.



Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

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