Melan­cho­lic Drone

Wäh­rend ihres letz­tes Mor­gens in Bel­grad denkt eine Mili­tär­droh­ne über ihr nutz­lo­ses Dasein nach der Aus­mus­te­rung nach. Wäh­rend­des­sen fliegt sie auf Auto­pi­lot zu einem Paar, das gera­de Sex hat: eine Rou­te, die ihr frü­he­rer Pilot sie oft neh­men ließ, um das Paar zu bespitzeln.

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Igor Simic
Ser­bi­en 2016, 7’, Expe­ri­men­tal­film, Eng­lisch ohne UT, Deutschlandpremiere

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Neman­ja Jovanov
Schnitt: Djord­je Stankovic
Musik: Kor­ne­li­je Kovac and Zdrav­ko Colic
Ton: Shane Berry


Igor Simic (1988) gra­dua­ted from Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty, New York, with a dou­ble-major in Film stu­dies and Phi­lo­so­phy. His short films and vide­os were scree­ned at inter­na­tio­nal film fes­ti­vals, while also being shown and award­ed in the art con­text. gor also led a team of pro­gra­mers and crea­ti­ves in Dem­agog stu­dio, whe­re he desi­gned two sati­ri­cal award-win­ning video games that had 30,000 down­loads on Goog­le Play. He is also a colum­nist for the oldest Bal­kan news­pa­per Politika.



2015 Our Guar­di­ans [a litt­le homage]

2014 Cost-Bene­fit-Love

2013 The Thin­ker in the Supermarket

2009 Shel­ter