Jake Wells, Tätowierer, Drohnenbastler, First-Person-View—Hobbyflieger und womöglich der weltweit erste Remote-Control-Prediger, erzählt von seiner techno-spirituellen Erweckung beim Fliegen, Abstürzen und Reparieren seiner selbst gemachten Drohne in den wildromantischen Landschaften seiner Heimat im Pazifischen Nordwesten Amerikas.
Nadav Assor
USA 2014, 15’, Dokumentarfilm, Englisch ohne UT, NRW-Premiere
Bildgestaltung: Yoni Goldstein
Nadav Assor’s work explores the unstable condition of the hyper mediated body, the “new flesh”, constantly transformed by technology, in its immediate social, political sensory, and emotional environment. His videos, installations and performances were featured in film festivals, museums, galleries and live venues across North America, Europe, and Asia. Assor’s work was reviewed in publications such as Artforum, the Creators Project, Vice Motherboard, Art Monthly UK, and Haaretz.
2012 Feelers
2015 Strip / Musrara
2016 Ground Effect
2017 Chronicle of a Fall (docu feature, with Tirtza Even, in progress)