Kiem Holi­jan­da

Andi real­ly wants a pho­ne to watch 5 minu­tes of free porn, and does­n’t noti­ce his brot­her is say­ing goodbye.

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Sarah Velt­mey­er

Nie­der­lan­de 2017, 14’, Spiel­film, Alba­nisch mit eng­li­schen UT, NRW-Premiere

Buch: Tom Bak­ker, Sarah Veltmeyer
Bild­ge­stal­tung: Ste­phan Polman
Mon­ta­ge: Fatih Tura
Musik: Are­nd Brui­jn, Hans Nieuwenhuijsen
Ton: Taco Drijfhout
Pro­duk­ti­on: Jero­en Beker, Sabi­ne Veenendaal


Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal Film Festival
Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film Fes­ti­val Oberhausen
Palm Springs Inter­na­tio­nal ShortFest
Sara­je­vo Film Festival


Sarah Velt­mey­er (1988) is a direc­tor and screen­wri­ter from Ams­ter­dam. As an auto­di­dact she made her first short film Got­ta in 2015. The fol­lo­wing year, the Net­her­lands Film Fund pro­vi­ded her with a finan­cial con­tri­bu­ti­on to rea­li­ze her second short film, Kiem Holi­jan­da. This film is set in Koso­vo and made with a par­ti­al­ly local crew. The film went on to win the Crys­tal Bear for Best Short film at Ber­li­na­le Gene­ra­ti­on and screen at many pres­ti­gious festivals.


2015 Got­ta
2017 Kiem Holijanda
2018 Never Forget


E‑Mail: (Wou­ter Jansen)