
Auf einer klei­nen Insel tref­fen ein Hau­fen son­der­ba­rer Krea­tu­ren aufeinander.

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Robert Löbel & Max Mörtl

Deutsch­land 2017, 2′30″, Ani­ma­ti­ons­film, kei­ne Dialoge

Pro­duk­ti­on: Robert Löbel
Musik & Ton: David Kamp


Best Sound Design — Ani­ma Mundi

Jury Preis Ani­ma­ti­on — Flens­bur­ger Kurzfilmtage

Otta­wa Inter­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­ti­on Fes­ti­val — Hono­rable Men­ti­on Pre­school Competition

Gol­den Pea­nut — Audi­ence Award — Mons­tra: Lis­bon Ani­ma­ted Film Festival


In 2008 Robert and Max met at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces Ham­burg while stu­dy­ing illus­tra­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on design. At that time they col­la­bo­ra­ted on seve­ral expe­ri­men­tal ani­ma­ti­on pro­jects and somehow got addic­ted to ani­ma­ti­on. Now living in Ber­lin, Robert is working as an inde­pen­dent film­ma­ker and ani­ma­tor spe­cia­li­zed in 2D ani­ma­ti­on. Max is based in Munich now, working as an ani­ma­tor and direc­tor focu­sed on stop moti­on ani­ma­ti­on and music visualization.


2017 LINK/ Robert Löbel

2015 Visuel Beat/ Max Mörtl

2013 WIND/ Robert Löbel