Hold On (Houvast)

Eine junge Cellistin muss ihre Ängste besiegen, um ihre Position in einem Orchester zu halten.
Charlotte Scott-Wilson
Niederlande 2016, 22’, Spielfilm, Niederländisch mit englischen UT, Deutschlandpremiere
Bildgestaltung: Lennart Verstegen Buch: Charlotte Scott-Wilson, Marielot van der Slikke Montage: Annelotte Medema Musik: Jesper Ankarfeldt Ton: Evelien van der Molen
Produktion: Trent
Director and screenwriter Charlotte Scott-Wilson was born in Scotland and is a Netherlands Film Academy graduate. Charlotte has a deep love for visual storytelling. She wants to reach a wide audience with her films and explores confronting themes in an accessible way. Never compromising to make her films cutting and visceral in a way we havent seen before.
2016 Houvast
2016 Made in Iran
2014 Forever After