EWA is a teenage girl who is suf­fe­ring from a con­di­ti­on of a con­stant nose bleed while explo­ring dif­fe­rent aspects of her life and the peo­p­le around her.

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Gigi Ben Artzi

Ukrai­ne 2016, 7’30″, Spiel­film, rus­sisch mit eng­li­schen UT, NRW-Premiere

Mon­ta­ge: Indi Hait
Musik: Yona­tan Gat
Ton: Rotem Dror
Pro­duk­ti­on: Roy Ben Art­zi, Pavel Buryak


Gigi Ben Art­zi is a New york based direc­tor. He star­ted off as a fashion pho­to­grapher and in 2014 direc­ted his first docu­men­ta­ry named “Down­town Diva’s”. Fol­lo­wing the film’s suc­cess over social net­works and major maga­zi­nes he con­tin­ued to wri­te and direct his first short named E.W.A.