
Sasha Lit­vint­s­eva & Beny Wag­ner | Deutschland/UK 2022 | 40′ | Doku­men­tar­film | Eng­lisch | NRW-Premiere
New Aes­the­tic I

CON­STANT ist eine Rei­se durch die sozia­le und poli­ti­sche Geschich­te des Mes­sens. Seit Urzei­ten war der mensch­li­che Kör­per das Maß aller Din­ge. CON­STANT erforscht, wodurch das Mes­sen vom Kör­per abkam und eine eige­ne Wis­sen­schaft wurde.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Sasha Litvintseva
Mon­ta­ge: Sasha Lit­vint­s­eva and Beny Wagner
Musik: dead hand / Beny Wagner
Ton: Sasha Lit­vint­s­eva and Beny Wagner
Pro­duk­ti­on: Guil­laume Cail­lie­au / Sasha Lit­vint­s­eva and Beny Wagner


 World Pre­mie­re — Tiger Shorts Com­pe­ti­ti­on Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val Rotterdam
Sil­vest­re Award for Best Short Film, Indie­Lis­boa 2022
Best Short Docu­men­ta­ry, Gua­na­jua­to Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val 2022
Jury Spe­cial Men­ti­on, EXiS Seo­ul 2022


Sasha Lit­vint­s­eva and Beny Wag­ner are artists, film­ma­kers and wri­ters. They have been working col­la­bo­ra­tively in moving image, instal­la­ti­on, text and lec­tures sin­ce 2018. Focu­sing on moving image as a tool for the acti­ve pro­duc­tion of new worlds, their prac­ti­ce has been dri­ven by ques­ti­ons around the thres­holds bet­ween the body and its sur­roun­dings, know­ledge regimes and power, and modes of orga­ni­zing and per­cei­ving the natu­ral world.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm


How we make Karrabing 

Mini­mal Sway While Start­ing My Way Up 

Hard­ly Working