
Ein Kind muss sei­ne Hüt­te ver­las­sen, um Holz für das erlo­sche­ne Feu­er zu beschaf­fen. Die Suche nach geeig­ne­tem Holz wird zur Lebensaufgabe.

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Iring Frey­tag, Vik­tor Sti­ckel, Linus Stetter

Deutsch­land 2016, 10’, Ani­ma­ti­ons­film, ohne Dia­lo­ge, NRW-Premiere

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Adri­an Langenbach
Mon­ta­ge: Robert Stuprich
Musik: Fede­ri­ke Bernhardt
Ton: Marc Fragstein
Pro­duk­ti­on: Iring Frey­tag, Vik­tor Sti­ckel, Paul Maresch


Iring Frey­tag (*Okto­ber 31. 1981 in Colo­gne) is a ger­man Direc­tor and 3D-Ani­ma­tor. After pas­sing his tech­ni­cal diplo­ma for design he under­took seve­ral intern­ships in the area of pho­to­gra­phy, mul­ti­me­dia and com­pu­ter gra­phics. As of 2005 he work­ed as full-time CG Artist at The Light Works. During this time, he took part in a lot of com­pu­ter games such as Patri­ci­an IV: Con­quest by Trade (2010), Sacred 2: Fal­len Angel (2008), X³: Ter­ran Con­flict (2008) and Lair (2007). 2010 Iring star­ted his stu­dy of ani­ma­ti­on at the Film­aka­de­mie Baden-Wuert­tem­berg whe­re he sup­port­ed dif­fe­rent pro­jects as an ani­ma­tor and rea­li­zed his own sto­rys in the 3D ani­ma­ti­on short films Radio Acti­ve, Mr. K and the E and the offi­ci­al ITFS-Trai­ler 2014 Plot-O-Mat. He gra­dua­ted in March 2016 with the short film Child and is working as a free­lan­ce 3D-Gene­ra­list and Animator.

Vik­tor Sti­ckel (*April 20. 1982 in Georgiewka/Kasachstan) ist Regis­seur und Ani­ma­tor. Nach dem Stu­di­um Medi­en­de­sign an der DHBW-Ravens­burg leg­te er den Schwer­punkt auf beweg­te Bil­der und absol­vier­te das Stu­di­um Ani­ma­ti­on an der Film­aka­de­mie Baden-Württemberg.


2012 Reiz­wä­sche
2011 GAP
2010 Fallobst