
Ein Kind muss seine Hütte verlassen, um Holz für das erloschene Feuer zu beschaffen. Die Suche nach geeignetem Holz wird zur Lebensaufgabe.
Iring Freytag, Viktor Stickel, Linus Stetter
Deutschland 2016, 10’, Animationsfilm, ohne Dialoge, NRW-Premiere
Bildgestaltung: Adrian Langenbach
Montage: Robert Stuprich
Musik: Federike Bernhardt
Ton: Marc Fragstein
Produktion: Iring Freytag, Viktor Stickel, Paul Maresch
Iring Freytag (*Oktober 31. 1981 in Cologne) is a german Director and 3D-Animator. After passing his technical diploma for design he undertook several internships in the area of photography, multimedia and computer graphics. As of 2005 he worked as full-time CG Artist at The Light Works. During this time, he took part in a lot of computer games such as Patrician IV: Conquest by Trade (2010), Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (2008), X³: Terran Conflict (2008) and Lair (2007). 2010 Iring started his study of animation at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg where he supported different projects as an animator and realized his own storys in the 3D animation short films Radio Active, Mr. K and the E and the official ITFS-Trailer 2014 Plot-O-Mat. He graduated in March 2016 with the short film Child and is working as a freelance 3D-Generalist and Animator.
Viktor Stickel (*April 20. 1982 in Georgiewka/Kasachstan) ist Regisseur und Animator. Nach dem Studium Mediendesign an der DHBW-Ravensburg legte er den Schwerpunkt auf bewegte Bilder und absolvierte das Studium Animation an der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.
2012 Reizwäsche
2011 GAP
2010 Fallobst