Bey­ond Noh

Patrick Smith | USA 2020 | 4’ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film | ohne Dialoge
Shorts on Wheels

“Bey­ond Noh” ist eine rhyth­mi­sche Ani­ma­ti­on von 3.475 indi­vi­du­el­len Mas­ken aus aller Welt und nimmt uns aus­ge­hend von den unver­wech­sel­ba­ren Mas­ken des japa­ni­schen Noh-Thea­ters mit auf auf eine kul­tu­rel­len Rei­se durch Ritu­al, Nütz­lich­keit, Devi­anz und Politik.


Pro­du­ced by Kao­ri Ishida
Music by Turku


Tri­be­ca Film Fes­ti­val (World Pre­mie­re), USA
Anne­cy Inter­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­ti­on Fes­ti­val, France
Vien­na Inter­na­tio­nal Shorts, Austria
Kra­kow Film Fes­ti­val, Poland
Hue­s­ca Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, Spain
Palm Springs Shorts­fest, USA


Patrick Smith is known for his meta­pho­ri­cal hand drawn short films, as well as his expe­ri­men­tal stop moti­on films. His for­ma­ti­ve years were spent as a sto­ry­board artist for Walt Dis­ney, and ani­ma­ti­on direc­tor for MTV. Smith is a mem­ber of the Aca­de­my of Moti­on Pic­tu­re Arts and Sci­en­ces, and a fel­low of the New York Foun­da­ti­on of the Arts.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Bey­ond Noh

Bey­ond Noh 

Avera­ge Happiness

Avera­ge Happiness 



Pri­va­te Properties

Pri­va­te Properties 

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Love 404