Barber’s Cut

Ein Mann geht zum Fri­seur und fin­det sich plötz­lich in einer magi­schen Umge­bung wie­der. Spe­zi­el­le Werk­zeu­ge und bizar­re Haar­wuchs­tech­ni­ken ver­wan­deln ihn in vie­le ver­schie­de­ne Ver­sio­nen sei­ner selbst.

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Ediz Ana­vi

Tür­kei 2017, 2′, Ani­ma­ti­ons­film, Eng­lisch ohne UT, Festival-Premiere

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Murathan Özbek
Musik & Ton: Jingleberry
Pro­duk­ti­on: Pomus


Ediz Ana­vi was born in Ins­tan­bul, Tur­key. In a uni­que set­ting like Istan­bul whe­re many diver­se cul­tures col­l­i­de, he was always attrac­ted to look from dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves to his sur­roun­dings. This led him to pur­sue a pas­si­on in film and pro­duc­tion indus­try apart from his stu­dies. After gra­dua­ti­on, he joi­n­ed Pomus, a crea­ti­ve pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny in Istan­bul. His first short film, Barber’s Cut, is a stop-moti­on ani­ma­ti­on which uses alter­na­ti­ve film­ing techniques.