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Short Film Fes­ti­val Cologne

KFFK/Kurzfilmfestival Köln N°18

The 19th edi­ti­on of the KFFK will take place Novem­ber 18th to 23rd 2025.

The SUB­MIS­SI­ON of films will be pos­si­ble start­ing April until August 1st.

The pro­gram­me will be announ­ced at the begin­ning of Novem­ber, when the pre-sale of tickets and fes­ti­val pas­ses will also start. Accre­di­ta­ti­on for trade visi­tors will start in Octo­ber. The KFFK NEWS­LET­TER keep you will up-to-date.

Until Novem­ber the SHORT MON­DAY pro­gram­mes will give you regu­lar pos­si­bi­li­ties to watch short films on the big screen.

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