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KFFK N°18 — Film Registration

    Per­so­nal information 

    I use the fol­lo­wing pronouns *

    I pre­fer to com­mu­ni­ca­te in *

    Film infor­ma­ti­on

    Gen­re *
    Live actionDocu­men­ta­ryAni­ma­ti­onExpe­ri­men­talMusic videoVideo essay

    The scree­ning at KFFK will be *

    Expl­ana­ti­on: World pre­mie­re: the film will be shown to the public for the first time. Inter­na­tio­nal pre­mie­re: the film has only been shown in its coun­try of ori­gin befo­re (not Ger­ma­ny). Ger­man pre­mie­re: the film has only been shown out­side of Ger­ma­ny befo­re. Regio­nal pre­mie­re: the film has only been shown out­side of North Rhi­ne-West­pha­lia. Colo­gne pre­mie­re: the film has only been shown out­side of Colo­gne. Fes­ti­val pre­mie­re: the film has never been shown on a fes­ti­val befo­re (e.g. only on the internet). 

    0 characters 

    Con­tent notes
    stro­be-like imagessexua­li­zed vio­lencewarsui­ci­deself-harm or eating dis­or­derssub­s­tance abu­sedeath/dyingother, plea­se specify

    0 characters 

    Fil­mo­gra­phy of the film­ma­ker (e.g. 1980: The Shi­ning; max. 4 entries)







    Email cont­act for the fes­ti­val website

    Pre­view link (e.g. Vimeo) for jury/press *

    Pre­view link password

    For­mat of the scree­ning copy *

    Adress for the return of scree­ning copies, if needed

    The TV rights for my film are available (Ger­man territory). *

    For covera­ge within the frame­work of the fes­ti­val and the fes­ti­val trai­ler I allow excerp­ts of my film up to a length of 60 seconds or 10% of its full length to be used in the con­text of fes­ti­val publi­shing (e.g. fes­ti­val trailer). *


    Plea­se upload 2–5 film stills in prin­ta­ble qua­li­ty. Accept­ed file for­mats are: jpg, png, tif (max. 10 MB per file) 

    Image 1: *

    Image 2: *

    Image 3:

    Image 4:

    Image 5:


    I would like to recei­ve the festival’s newsletter.

    I com­ply with the fes­ti­val sta­tu­tes. *

    * man­da­to­ry field

    For the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of a film in KFFK N°18 it is neces­sa­ry to fill out this form.

    For per­so­nal par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the fes­ti­val plea­se regis­ter addi­tio­nal­ly via the accre­di­ta­ti­on form.

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