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KFFK N°18 — Accre­di­ta­ti­on for filmmakers

    Per­so­nal information 

    I use the fol­lo­wing pronouns *

    I pre­fer to com­mu­ni­ca­te in *

    Film infor­ma­ti­on

    Fes­ti­val visit 

    I will be tra­vel­ling to KFFK from ano­ther city *

    I need accom­mo­da­ti­on for my stay *

    Arri­val on

    Depar­tu­re on

    I would like to take part in the fol­lo­wing events:
    Award cerem­o­ny on 24.11., 19h at Film­fo­rum NRW


    Plea­se upload a por­trait pho­to­graph. Accept­ed file for­mats are: jpg, png, tif (max. 5 MB) 


    I would like to recei­ve the festival’s newsletter.

    * man­da­to­ry field

    Sign up as a film­ma­ker for KFFK/Kurzfilmfestival Köln.

    Accre­di­ta­ti­on is free for film­ma­kers with films par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the pro­gram of KFFK N°18. Your pass can be picked up at the start of the fes­ti­val at the fes­ti­val center.

    Tickets for each scree­ning must be rede­e­med in advan­ce using the accre­di­ta­ti­on code, which will be sent by email after the regis­tra­ti­on dead­line. Accre­di­ta­ti­on alo­ne does not gua­ran­tee a ticket.

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