
Tran­si­ti­on’ is a vir­tu­al rea­li­ty expe­ri­ence based on the music of Ket­tel & Sece­de, crea­ted by Mike von Rotz and Joost Jor­dens. Tran­si­ti­on takes you on a jour­ney from one world into the next.

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Mike von Rotz & Joost Jordens

Nie­der­lan­de 2016, 8’, 360° Ani­ma­ti­ons­film, ohne Dialoge

Musik: Ket­tel & Secede


Mike von Rotz and Joost Jor­dens are two fresh gra­dua­tes from the Utrecht Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts, 3D ani­ma­ti­on program.