
Eine Geschich­te über eine Bezie­hung, die sich von Feind­schaft in Freund­schaft und gegen­sei­ti­ge Ret­tung verwandelt.

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Nata­lia Chernysheva

Russ­land 2016, 4’, Ani­ma­ti­ons­film, ohne Dialoge


Nata­lia Chernysheva

Born in Sver­dl­ovsk, Rus­sia. Gra­dua­ted from Ural Sta­te Aca­de­my of Archi­tec­tu­re and Art, majo­ring in gra­phics and ani­ma­ti­on. Work­ed as ani­ma­tor, cha­rac­ter desi­gner and artist on seve­ral ani­ma­ted films .“Snow­fla­ke” (2012) is her debut as a director.

Stu­di­ed in La Podrie­re (France) 2012–2014, whe­re she direc­ted the films “The Return” (2013) and her gra­dua­ti­on film “Two Fri­ends” (2014).