Cida­de Peque­na (Small Town)

Eines Tages lernt der klei­ne Fre­der­i­co von sei­nem Leh­rer, dass Kör­per aus einem Kopf, Rumpf und Glied­ma­ßen bestehen und dass Leu­te ster­ben, wenn ihr Herz ste­hen­bleibt. In die­ser Nacht kann er nicht schla­fen. Er weckt immer wie­der sei­ne Mut­ter und klagt über Schmer­zen in der Brust.

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Dio­go Cos­ta Amarante

Por­tu­gal 2016, 19’, Spiel­film, Por­tu­gie­sisch mit eng­li­schen UT, NRW-Premiere

Ton: Dio­go Cos­ta Ama­ran­te, Miguel Cordeiro
Pro­duk­ti­on: Miguel Dias, Dio­go Cos­ta Ama­ran­te – CUR­TAS METRA­GENS CRL


Dio­go Cos­ta Ama­ran­te was born in Por­tu­gal whe­re he gra­dua­ted in Law. His first film “Jumate/Jumate” was sel­ec­ted in seve­ral inter­na­tio­nal film fes­ti­vals and was award­ed best film in the Documentamadrid08 / Spain, Gol­den boll film fes­ti­val / Tur­key, and Reykja­vik IFF. In 2009, Dio­go par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the Ber­li­na­le Talent Cam­pus and direc­ted his second docu­men­ta­ry film “In Janu­ary, per­haps” which was also sel­ec­ted in many fes­ti­vals and won Jury Pri­ze at the Documentamadrid09.


2007 Jumate/Jumate
2009 In Janu­ary, perhaps
2011 Down Here
2014 The White Roses