Best of Luck with the Wall

Eine Rei­se über die die US-mexi­ka­ni­sche Gren­ze, zusam­men­ge­fügt aus 200 000 Satellitenbildern.

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Josh Begley

USA 2016, 6’30’’, Doku­men­tar­film, Englisch

Mon­ta­ge: Nels Bangerter
Musik: DJ Rupture
Pro­duk­ti­on: Lau­ra Poi­t­ras, AJ Schnack, Char­lot­te Cook


Josh Begley (b. 1984) is a data artist and web deve­lo­per based in Brook­lyn, New York. He is the crea­tor of Meta­da­ta+, an iPho­ne app that tracks U.S. dro­ne strikes.

Begley holds degrees from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cali­for­nia, Ber­ke­ley and New York Uni­ver­si­ty. He curr­ent­ly works at The Inter­cept, a publi­ca­ti­on of First Look Media.