Les­sons on Lea­ving Your Body

Jake Wells, Täto­wie­rer, Droh­nen­bast­ler, First-Person-View—Hobbyflieger und womög­lich der welt­weit ers­te Remo­te-Con­trol-Pre­di­ger, erzählt von sei­ner tech­no-spi­ri­tu­el­len Erwe­ckung beim Flie­gen, Abstür­zen und Repa­rie­ren sei­ner selbst gemach­ten Droh­ne in den wild­ro­man­ti­schen Land­schaf­ten sei­ner Hei­mat im Pazi­fi­schen Nord­wes­ten Amerikas.

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Nadav Assor

USA 2014, 15’, Doku­men­tar­film, Eng­lisch ohne UT, NRW-Premiere

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Yoni Goldstein


Nadav Assor’s work explo­res the unsta­ble con­di­ti­on of the hyper media­ted body, the “new fle­sh”, con­stant­ly trans­for­med by tech­no­lo­gy, in its imme­dia­te social, poli­ti­cal sen­so­ry, and emo­tio­nal envi­ron­ment. His vide­os, instal­la­ti­ons and per­for­man­ces were fea­tured in film fes­ti­vals, muse­ums, gal­le­ries and live venues across North Ame­ri­ca, Euro­pe, and Asia. Assor’s work was review­ed in publi­ca­ti­ons such as Art­fo­rum, the Crea­tors Pro­ject, Vice Mother­board, Art Month­ly UK, and Haaretz.


2012 Fee­lers
2015 Strip / Musrara
2016 Ground Effect
2017  Chro­nic­le of a Fall (docu fea­ture, with Tirt­za Even, in progress)