The Fight For Falluja

“The Fight for Fal­lu­ja” allows view­ers to expe­ri­ence, first­hand, the batt­les that Iraqi forces endu­red to ret­a­ke Fal­lu­ja from ISIS this June.

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Ben C. Solomon

USA 2016, 11’, 360° Dokumentarfilm

Pro­duk­ti­on: Jen­na Pirog, Moua­taz Majed Moha­med, Falih Hassan, Jake Sil­ver­stein, Kathy Ryan, Nan­cy Gauss

Post­pro­duk­ti­on: Kon­cept VR

Über­set­zung: Mou­ta­taz Majed Moha­mad, Abdul­jab­bar You­sif, Ahmed Salah, Sarah Almukhtar

Musik: Matt Joynt and Nathan Sandberg