Hold On (Hou­vast)

Eine jun­ge Cel­lis­tin muss ihre Ängs­te besie­gen, um ihre Posi­ti­on in einem Orches­ter zu halten.

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Char­lot­te Scott-Wilson
Nie­der­lan­de 2016, 22’, Spiel­film, Nie­der­län­disch mit eng­li­schen UT, Deutschlandpremiere

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Lenn­art Ver­ste­gen Buch: Char­lot­te Scott-Wil­son, Marie­lot van der Slik­ke Mon­ta­ge: Anne­lot­te Mede­ma Musik: Jes­per Ankar­feldt Ton: Eve­li­en van der Molen
Pro­duk­ti­on: Trent


Direc­tor and screen­wri­ter Char­lot­te Scott-Wil­son was born in Scot­land and is a Net­her­lands Film Aca­de­my gra­dua­te. Char­lot­te has a deep love for visu­al sto­rytel­ling. She wants to reach a wide audi­ence with her films and explo­res con­fron­ting the­mes in an acces­si­ble way. Never com­pro­mi­sing to make her films cut­ting and vis­ce­ral in a way we haven’t seen before. 


2016 Hou­vast

2016 Made in Iran

2014 Fore­ver After