Sky High

Der Fil­me­ma­cher erweckt sei­ne Zeich­nun­gen auf einer wei­ßen Flä­che zum Leben und schickt einen Jun­gen auf ein Aben­teu­er über den Wolken.

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Ste­wart Powers

UK 2015, 2’, Ani­ma­ti­ons­film, Eng­lisch ohne UT, NRW-Premiere


Ste­wart Powers: “Sin­ce child­hood I’ve admi­red ani­ma­ti­on in all forms, espe­ci­al­ly loving clas­sic car­toons fea­turing such cha­rac­ters as Bugs Bun­ny and Taz the Tas­ma­ni­an devil. It see­med only fit­ting that I fol­lo­wed this pas­si­on throug­hout my time at uni­ver­si­ty, whe­re I went on the gra­dua­te The Uni­ver­si­ty of the Crea­ti­ve Arts, Farn­ham, with a first class degree. It was at uni­ver­si­ty whe­re I com­ple­ted my film named ‘Sky High’ ”



2016 Dino­saurs in the Playground
2015 Season
2014 The Bear and the Bird