J’ai vu le visa­ge du dia­ble (I saw the face of the devil)

Julia Kowal­ski | Frank­reich 2023 | 37′ | Spiel­film | Pol­nisch mit eng­li­schen UT | Deutschland-Premiere
Best of Fes­ti­vals I

Kościer­zy­na, eine klei­ne Stadt im heu­ti­gen Polen. Maj­ka, 18, ist über­zeugt, beses­sen zu sein. Sie kon­tak­tiert Pater Marek Roga­la, einen Exorzisten.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Simon Beaufils
Mon­ta­ge: Isa­bel­le Manquillet
Musik: Dani­el Kowalski
Ton: Oli­vi­er Pel­le­tier, Oli­vi­er Dan­dré, Oli­vi­er Goinard
Pro­duk­ti­on: Fla­vi­en Gior­da and Yann Gon­za­lez (Ven­in films)


Direc­tors Fort­night (Can­nes 2023)
Grand Prix at Cler­mont Fer­rand Film Fes­ti­val 2024
Prix Ciné+ at Bri­ve Film Festival
Second Award in Inter­na­tio­nal Com­pe­ti­ti­on at Short Waves Festival


2016 Cra­che Coeur


Born in France to Polish par­ents, Julia’s films ques­ti­on her rela­ti­onship with her coun­try of ori­gin, con­stant­ly refi­ning her favou­ri­te the­mes: ado­le­s­cence, fami­ly, sexua­li­ty and the working class. I SAW THE FACE OF THE DEVIL tells the sto­ry of a young Polish woman in the grip of a cri­sis of faith.

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

J’ai vu le visa­ge du dia­ble (I saw the face of the devil) 

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The man who could not remain silent 

Squid Fleet

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