Coun­ter­feit Poast

Jon Raf­man | USA 2023 | 34′ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film |Eng­lisch | Festival-Premiere
 New Aes­the­tic I

Eine Fol­ge von Cha­rak­ter­stu­di­en, die abschwei­fen in Wahn­sinn, Gedächt­nis­stö­run­gen, Iso­la­ti­on und Mani­pu­la­ti­on. In jeder Vignet­te rin­gen Figu­ren mit dem Ver­lust von Sta­bi­li­tät – innen und außen. Die Mono­lo­ge spie­geln eine Welt ohne Wahr­heit, ohne gemein­sa­me Wirklichkeit.


Regie: Jon Rafman
Buch: Jon Raf­man, Andy Faul­k­ner, Nika Botsu
Bild­ge­stal­tung: N/A
Mon­ta­ge: Jon Rafman
Musik: N/A
Ton: Grant Tyler
Pro­duk­ti­on: Jon Raf­man Studios


Sprueth Magers Gal­lery, 2023
MAXXI Muse­um, Rome, 2022
Ooeli, Hang­zhou, Chi­na, 2022
“Mani­fest­oXXIII” at Espace Nie­mey­er, Paris, 2023


2022 Minor Dae­mon, Vol. 1

2021 Punc­tu­red Sky

2019 Dream Jour­nal, 2016–2019

2019 Dis­as­ters Under the Sun


Jon Raf­man was born in 1981 in Mont­re­al, Cana­da. His artis­tic prac­ti­ce spans film, sculp­tu­re, pho­to­gra­phy and instal­la­ti­on, incor­po­ra­ting the rich voca­bu­la­ry of vir­tu­al worlds to crea­te poe­tic nar­ra­ti­ves that cri­ti­cal­ly enga­ge with the present.

His works have been fea­tured in pro­mi­nent inter­na­tio­nal exhi­bi­ti­ons, inclu­ding the 58th Venice Bien­na­le (2019), and is repre­sen­ted in the per­ma­nent coll­ec­tions of the Muse­um of Modern Art (New York), Stede­li­jk Muse­um (Ams­ter­dam), and many more.

Kon­takt & Links

Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Coun­ter­feit Poast 



Dza­­ta- The Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gi­cal Consciousness