Bad for a Moment

Dani­el Soares | Por­tu­gal 2024 | 15′ | Spiel­film | Por­tu­gie­sisch mit eng­li­schen UT
Best of Fes­ti­vals I

Ein Team­buil­ding-Event geht schief, und der Chef eines Archi­tek­tur­bü­ros gerät in Kon­flikt mit dem pro­le­ta­ri­schen Vier­tel, das sei­ne Fir­ma dabei ist zu gentrifizieren.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Vas­co Viana
Mon­ta­ge: Lucas Moesch, Dani­el Soares
Musik: Meara O’Reilly
Ton: Inês Adria­na, Bru­no Garcez
Pro­duk­ti­on: Luís Urba­no, San­dro Agui­lar (O Som e a Fúria) / Dani­el Soares (Kid with a Bike)




Dani­el Soares is a Por­tu­gue­se writer/director, born in Germany.
His short films were scree­ned at fes­ti­vals like Tel­lu­r­i­de, Locar­no, Cler­mont-Fer­rand, Hong Kong IFF & Shang­hai IFF. They were award­ed at fes­ti­vals like Pre­miers Plans d’Angers (Grand Prix du Jury), Indie­Lis­boa (Best natio­nal short film), Zagreb Film Fes­ti­val (Best inter­na­tio­nal short film), among others.
His newest short film ‘Bad for a moment’ pro­du­ced by O Som a a Fúria is set to pre­mie­re in 2024.

Kon­takt & Links

Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

J’ai vu le visa­ge du dia­ble (I saw the face of the devil) 

Wan­der to Wonder 

The man who could not remain silent 

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Bad for a Moment