En el mis­mí­si­mo momen­to (At that very Moment)

Feder­i­co Luis & Rita Pauls | Argentinien/Deutschland 2023 | 12′ | Doku­men­tar­film | Spa­nisch mit eng­li­schen UT | NRW-Premiere
Deut­scher Wett­be­werb V

Ein Kind, das in den Ber­gen auf­wächst, sehnt sich danach, die Rea­li­tät zu ver­drän­gen. Die inne­re und äuße­re Welt ver­schwim­men in sei­nem Kopf, wäh­rend er sei­ne Obses­sio­nen her­auf­be­schwört und sei­ne Umge­bung mit der Kame­ra einfängt.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Lisan­dro Díaz Deschamps
Mon­ta­ge: Andrés Medina
Ton: Laut­a­ro Zamaro
Pro­duk­ti­on: Juan Pablo Labo­nia and Manu­el Abramovich


IDFA Short Film Com­pe­ti­ti­on 2023 — Best Short Film Award
Aege­an Short Film Fes­ti­val 2024 — Best Short Film Award
Ham­burg Kurz­film Fes­ti­val (Ger­man Com­pe­ti­ti­on) 2024
BAFI­CI (Avant-gar­de and Gen­der Competition)


2024 Simon of the Mountains
2024 How to be Pehuén Pedre
2023 At that very moment
2023 Stay Still or I Love You


Feder­i­co Luis direc­ted “La Sies­ta” (Can­nes Film Fes­ti­val, Hono­rable Men­ti­on at TIFF’s Short­cuts). His first fea­ture film, “Simon of the Moun­ta­ins”, won the Grand Prix at Can­nes Cri­tics’ Week 2024.
Rita Pauls is a direc­tor, per­for­mer, wri­ter and trans­la­tor. In her work she explo­res lan­guage, inti­ma­cy and the search for uncon­trol­led per­for­ma­ti­ve situations.
At that very moment (Best Short Docu­men­ta­ry at IDFA Short Film Com­pe­ti­ti­on 2023) is their first short film as co-directors.

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Buqa­ning Yura­gi (Bull’s Heart) 

Mecha­ni­cal Resonance 

Tough Moves

Ich hät­te lie­ber einen ande­ren Film gemacht 

Moving Moun­ta­ins