Laneya Billingsley aka Billie0cean & Clayton Vomero & Cairo Clarke | USA 2020 | 3’30″ | Musikvideo | Englisch
Gefühle, Welten, Zeit und Raum verschmelzen, werden eins. Die Erde wird wieder gesund. Die Körper werden wieder gesund. Der Geist wird wieder gesund. Die Seelen werden wieder gesund. Wiedergeburt.
Laneya Billingsley aka Billie0cean, is an experimental filmmaker, curator and videographer whose work traverses the wet layers of our internal landscapes, and fixates on the need for/journey towards healing our internal environments. Her work transmutes the spiritual and emotional into a visual sensory experience. She has shown her conceptual video and visual art work in galleries in SF, LA, and NY and has worked with musicians such as Toro y moi, Spellling, and Kelly Lee Owens to name a few.