The Old Young Crow

Liam LoPin­to | Japan/USA 2023 | 12′ | Spiel­film | Farsi/Japanisch mit eng­li­schen UT | NRW-Premiere
Best of Fes­ti­vals II

Mehrdad, inzwi­schen ein alter Mann, erin­nert sich an die Begeg­nung mit der alten Chi­yo auf einem Fried­hof in Tokio, nahe sei­ner Grund­schu­le. Mit­hil­fe sei­nes Zei­chen­buchs von damals denkt er über ihr rät­sel­haf­tes Ver­schwin­den nach.


Palm Springs Best of Fest

Short Shorts Film Fes­ti­val and Asia

Cur­tas Vila Do Conde

Sit­ges Film Festival


2018 Baba dir. Liam LoPin­to (live action, 16 minutes)
2019 French Fly dir. Liam LoPin­to  (ani­ma­ti­on, 4 minutes)
2023 Karam Came­ra dir. Liam LoPin­to, co Dir. Shai­maa Al-Sab­ti, Hana Bar­hum (docu­men­ta­ry, 17 min)


Liam LoPin­to is a film­ma­ker and ani­ma­tor from New York City. He gra­dua­ted from NYU Tisch’s UGFTV pro­gram in 2017. He also stu­di­ed at Wase­da Uni­ver­si­ty in Tokyo and atten­ded Cal­Arts’ Cha­rac­ter Ani­ma­ti­on pro­gram from 2017–2021. His film French Fly was sel­ec­ted for CAA Moe­bi­us’ 5th Show­ca­se. His docu­men­ta­ry “Karam Came­ra” was made in part­ner­ship with Karam Foun­da­ti­on focu­sing on empowe­ring young Syri­an refu­gees. He’s a first gene­ra­ti­on Iranian-American.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

The Vei­led City 


Les Chen­il­les

The Old Young Crow 

The Dia­mond