
Jon Fri­ckey & Thies Myn­ther & San­dra Tros­tel | Deutsch­land 2023 | 29′ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film | Eng­lisch | NRW Premiere
Deut­scher Wett­be­werb III

Wäh­rend sie plan­los auf dem Raum­schiff Zoop­ti­con durchs Welt­all trei­ben, fin­den fünf sin­gen­de Mutan­ten ein Ziel, als sie von ihrem Ursprung erfah­ren – einem rät­sel­haf­ten Pla­ne­ten namens Erde.


Buch: Jon Fri­ckey, Thies Myn­ther, San­dra Tros­tel, Chris­toph Mathieu
Bild­ge­stal­tung: Jon Frickey
Mon­ta­ge: San­dra Trostel
Musik & Ton: Thies Mynther
Pro­duk­ti­on: San­dra Trostel


Cur­tas Vila do Con­de Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, Por­tu­gal (8 — 16 July, 2023) Inter­na­tio­nal Competition
Won: Best Animation

La Pla­ta Inter­na­tio­nal Inde­pen­dent Film Fes­ti­val — Festi­Freak, Argen­ti­na (28 Sep­tem­ber — 8 Octo­ber, 2023) Inter­na­tio­nal Panorama

Cur­to­cir­cuí­to – Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, Spain (3 — 8 Octo­ber, 2023) COS­MOS Competition

DOK Leip­zig — Inter­na­tio­nal Leip­zig Fes­ti­val for Docu­men­ta­ry and Ani­ma­ted Film, Ger­ma­ny (8 — 15 Octo­ber, 2023) Inter­na­tio­nal Com­pe­ti­ti­on for Ani­ma­ted Film


Jon Fri­ckey is an ani­ma­ti­on film direc­tor. His short CAT DAYS was hono­red with num­e­rous awards and qua­li­fied for the Aca­de­my Awards.

San­dra Tros­tel is a direc­tor, pro­du­cer and edi­tor. Her docu­men­ta­ries screen at inter­na­tio­nal fes­ti­vals and in cinema.

Thies Myn­ther is a trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry artist, com­po­ser, lyri­cist and music producer.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Alex in den Feldern 

Sen­si­ti­ve Content 


Turt­len­eck Phantasies 
